Monday, October 8, 2018

Lost and Found

Oh where, oh where have you been??

Have you ever thought that you may have lost one of your favorite sewing room tools???  This beauty had been lost for years (more than 5)!!  I had another one, so I made due just fine. But... if you were close by you heard my excitement when I came across this while I was cleaning and organizing.  I did a pretty awesome happy dance too. Yippee!!!!

I did quite a bit of organizing this past weekend....  it’s amazing how an entire bowl of opened safety pins will only take up a tiny bit of room in that same bowl once you close them all!  And I found a bunch of my pins also!

There are even screws in there!

Finally organized!

They are all closed.

I also decided to clean out a bunch of fabrics that I don’t think I will use.....  now to get them to Project Linus. That made room for more folding and sorting of my stash. Again.... yippee!!

I love when my fabrics are folded nice!

Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.  
Proverbs 12:25 NIV